Privacy Public Service Announcement

Made for Informatics 161

This is a public service announcement about online privacy. You may not be aware that your private information could be public for the whole world to see. Learn how to protect your Facebook profile with the following tutorial:

How to Protect Your Facebook Profile in 5 Easy Steps

How to Protect
Your Facebook Profile
in 5 Easy Steps

Step 1:

To protect your private information from the public, be sure that you are aware which option you are selecting when choosing your audience. The "Public" option will allow anyone to search your information, and will make it searchable in online search engines such as Google and Bing.

Step 2:

It is also important to see what your online profile looks like right now. To find out what information is public on your Facebook profile, go to your profile and click the following:

Step 3:

You will then be presented with your profile as seen by the public. You can even enter a friends name to see what information they can see. You can have custom privacy settings that only show certain information to certain friends, groups or lists

Step 4:

To protect your tagged photos and posts from friends who may tag you in photos, go to the "Timeline and Tagging" section of your Privacy Settings. From here you should turn on Tag Reviewing. The setting is called "Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline" and you should change this to "On". In this settings menu, you can also protect your current tags from specific people.

Step 5:

If you need to protect the past posts that you have made public, Facebook makes this easy by letting you "Limit the Audience of Past Posts." This will make all of your previous posts only viewable by your friends. This is highly recommended if you are switching to the new Timeline Feature."